Kalispera Greece Tilos.


Bird watching on Tilos

Tilos is one of the best Greek islands for those who are interested in birds. Just Antikythera, Lesbos and Crete attracts more birdwatchers than Tilos (to my knowledge). One reason why there are so many birds on Tilos is that the municipality has banned all forms of hunting, something they are, as far as I know, unique about in Greece.


The dam in Eristos valley in Tilos where Eleonora Falcons drinks water.

The dam in Eristos valley where Eleonora Falcons drinks water.


The advantage to watch birds on Tilos compared to Lesbos and Crete, is that the island is so small. You do not need to drive around to see the birds, it is enough with short hikes, or to sit on the balcony and watch. I have seen many rare species from the balcony at Annas Studios. Bonelli's Eagle, Eleonora's Falcon, Long-Legged Buzzard, Eurasian Hoopoe, Blue Rock Thrush and Sardinian Warbler are just some of the species I have seen from the balcony when I have eaten breakfast. A complete species list of the birds I have seen on Tilos are linked further down one the page.


Watch birds with a glass of wine  from Annas Studios in Tilos.

Watching birds with a glass of wine on the balcony also works.


Bird watching with breakfast on a balcony at Annas Studios in Livadia.

Bird watching with breakfast on a balcony at Annas Studios in Livadia.

The best time to watch birds is in spring and autumn when many migratory birds pass Tilos. But there are also plenty of birds other times of the year. Bonelli's Eagle is a very rare bird of prey that you have a great opportunity to see on Tilos. Two pairs are breeding on the island. (Some say that there are four breeding pairs.) Eleonora's Falcon (also rare) is common on Tilos. One must almost be blind to miss it.


Eleonora's falcon is one of the most common birds of prey on the island of Tilos in Greece.

Eleonora's falcon is a character bird on Tilos. The picture is from Megalo Chorio.


Buteo rufinus above the church of Panagia Politissa in Livadia in Tilos island.

Buteo rufinus above the church of Panagia Politissa in Livadia.


I have heard from many people that they have only seen crows and pigeons on Tilos. It is not surprising, because there are plenty of Hooded Crows and Eurasian Collared Doves on the island, especially in Livadia. Do you want to be sure to see a lot of birds, it is best to leave Livadia. A plus is if you are equipped with a binoculars, otherwise it is, of course, not as easy to determine the species, even if it is possible sometimes.


Hooded crows on Tilos.

There are a lot of hooded crows on Tilos.


Eurasian Collared Doves on Tilos.

And there are a lot of Eurasian Collared Doves on Tilos.

Bird watching in Tilos island.

If you can not determine the species, you can at least enjoy the views.


A good pair of binoculars and the Collins Bird Guide are two good friends when bird watching on Tilos.

A good pair of binoculars and the Collins Bird Guide are two good friends when bird watching on Tilos.


Good places for bird watching are in and around Mikro Chorio, along the way to Skafi beach, the whole valley of Eristos, and in Gera. Raptors are everywhere, just look up.


Below Mikro Chorio on Tilos there is a good chance of Bonelli's Eagle and Buteo rufinus.

Bird watching outside Mikro Chorio.


Bird watching in Mikro Chorio on Tilos in Greece.

Bird watching in Mikro Chorio.

Three really great places for birds of prey are at the Monastery of Agios Pandeleimon, around Gera, and at the large dam below Megalo Chorio. Once I have counted to seventeen Eleonora's Falcons at the dam, they were there to drink water.


Watching rare birds in Tilos.

Bird watching with views. In the background you see Livadia.


My "Happy Place" when it comes to bird watching is at the small chapel of Agios Ioannis.


The best lunch restaurant in Livadia on Tilos is Omonia.

I usually end the morning's bird watching with lunch at Omonia in Livadia.


On the small island of Vrachonisida on Tilos, the rare bird Audouin's gull breeds.

On the small island of Vrachonisida the rare bird Audouin's gull breeds.

I like watching birds but I'm terrible at photographing birds. I do my best but the result is rarely good. You have seen some of my bird pictures from Tilos further up the page and here are a few more.


Black-eared Wheatear in the uninhabited village of Gera in Tilos.

Black-eared Wheatear in the uninhabited village of Gera.


Squacco Heron in Livadia.

Squacco Heron in Livadia.


Blue Rock Thrush along the way to Lethra beach.

Blue Rock Thrush along the way to Lethra beach.


Woodchat Shrike above Skafi beach.

Woodchat Shrike above Skafi beach.


Bee-eaters are common to see on Tilos.

Bee Eaters in Livadia.


Little Egret in Agios Stefanos.

Little Egret in Agios Stefanos.


Chukar Partridge on Tilos in Greece.

One of many cute Chukar Partridge on Tilos stands by the red arrow.


Sardinian Warbler at Tilos in Greece.

Sardinian Warbler is very difficult to photograph because it rarely sits still.


Tame peacocks at Plaka beach on Tilos.

However, the peacocks at Plaka beach are easy to photograph. :-)


There are many different kinds of lizards on Tilos. Some of them look like dinosaurs.

There are plenty of lizards on Tilos and they are much easier to photograph than birds.

Birds we saw at Tilos during a week in April:


Alpine Swift
Audouin's Gull
Barn Swallow
Black-eared Wheatear
Black-headed Bunting
Black-headed Wagtail
Blue Rock Thrush
Bonelli's Eagle
Booted Eagle
Common Chaffinch
Common Cuchoo
Common Greenshank
Common House Martin
Common Kestrel
Common Moorhen
Common Raven
Common Redshank
Common Starling
Common Swift
Cretzschmar's Bunting
Eastern Orphean Warbler
Eleonora's Falcon
Eurasian Collared Dove
Eurasian Crag Martin
Eurasian Golden Oriole
European Bee-eater
European Blue Tit
European Greenfinch
European Roller
European Shag
European Turtle Dove
Grey Heron
Hooded Crow
House Sparrow
Lesser Whitethroat
Little Egret
Little Owl
Long-legged Buzzard
Northern Wheatear
Peregrine Falcon
Red-backed Shrike
Rock Dove
Sardinian Warbler
Spanish Sparrow
Spotted Flycatcher
Squacco Heron
Temminck's Stint
Western Marsh Harrier
White Wagtail
White-winged Tern
Woodchat Shrike
Yellow Wagtail
Yellow-legged Gull
Zitting Cisticola

Apus melba
Larus audouinii
Hirundo rustica
Oenanthe hispanica
Emberiza melanocephala
Motacilla flava feldegg
Monticola solitarius
Aquila fasciata
Aquila pennata
Alectoris chukar
Fringilla coelebs
Cuculus canorus
Tringa nebularia
Delichon urbicum
Falco tinnunculus
Gallinula chloropus
Corvus corax
Tringa totanus
Sturnus vulgaris
Apus apus
Emberiza caesia
Sylvia crassirostris
Falco eleonorae
Streptopelia decaocto
Ptyonoprogne rupestris
Oriolus oriolus
Merops apiaster
Cyanistes caeruleus
Chloris chloris
Coracias garrulus
Phalacrocorax aristotelis
Streptopelia turtur
Ardea cinerea
Corvus cornix
Passer domesticus
Sylvia curruca
Egretta garzetta
Athene noctua
Buteo rufinus
Falco columbarius
Oenanthe oenanthe
Falco peregrinus
Lanius collurio
Columba livia
Sylvia melanocephala
Passer hispaniolensis
Muscicapa striata
Ardeola ralloides
Calidris temminckii
Circus aeruginosus
Motacilla alba
Chlidonias leucopterus
Saxicola rubetra
Lanius senator
Motacilla flava
Larus michahellis
Cisticola juncidis


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